Literarna raziskava zbirke Harry Potter v angleščini


ŠCV, Splošna in strokovna gimnazija
Matija Goljar, Mateja Borovnik
Nada Naglič Zore

»No… Mrlakenstein je rekel, da je ubil mojo mamo samo zato, ker je hotela rešiti mene. Ampak zakaj me je sploh hotel ubiti?« To knjigo sem prebral velikokrat in verjemite – tak odgovor na koncu nikakor ni zadovoljiv: »Ah, na prvo stvar, za kar me sprašuješ, ti ne morem odgovoriti. Ne, danes, še ne. Vedel boš, enkrat … zaenkrat pozabi na to, Harry. Ko boš starejši … Vem, da nočeš slišati tega … Ko boš pripravljen, boš izvedel.« Čeprav je bilo na to vprašanje odgovorjeno v 5. knjigi, jih je še vedno veliko nerešenih. Najina raziskava jih bo skušala rešiti vsaj nekaj. To nameravava storiti: - z natančnim pregledom vsakega poglavja vseh knjig s poudarkom na tistih podrobnostih, kjer avtorica namiguje na nadaljevanje zgodbe, - s proučitvijo izvora imen nekaterih oseb v knjigah. Večkrat se je že izkazalo, da so imena junakov natančno izbrana, kajti že Rimljani so vedeli Nomen est omen. Končni izdelek bo, kolikor se le da, natančna napoved zgodbe v zadnjih dveh knjigah. Prav tako bova analizirala nekaj intervjujev z J. K. Rowling. Večkrat je že namignila, kaj se bo zgodilo z njenimi literarnimi junaki v prihodnosti. Zanimiva je njena komunikacija z bralci. Upava, da vam bodo najine razlage in napovedi v veselje, ter želiva, da bo še kdo segel po knjigi in bolj vzljubil pisano besedo. »Well … Voldemort said that he only killed my mother because she tried to stop him from killing me. But why would he want to kill me in the first place?« We have read these books many times and believe me, it is very frustrating that you are not given an adequate answer at the end of the book: »Alas, the first thing you ask me, I cannot tell you. Not today. Not now. You will know, one day … put it from your mind for now, Harry. When you are older … I know you hate hear this … When you are ready, you will know.« Though this is eventually answered in book 5, there are still many unanswered questions. Our research will try to answer at least some of them. We plan to do this, first by a precise analysis of each book (as a chapter by chapter analysis with an emphasis on those tiny clues, details set by J. K. Rowling that tell us what might happen in the future books) and second, by studying character names, their origins and their connections, because it has been often shown in the series that, as the ancient Romans said “Nomen est omen”. The result will hopefully be an accurate prediction of the plot in the last two books. We also look at the interviews with J. K. Rowling, where she has often hinted what will happen in her forthcoming books. Hopefully, you will find the explanations and speculations about the mysteries and puzzles of the Harry Potter series to be delightful reading. Finally I would like to add an interesting quote from the HP Lexicon ( There are really two types of puzzles in the Harry Potter books. One type is the unanswered questions, which are probably plot points to be answered later in the series. These types of mysteries engender all kinds of speculations and discussion, but will not be answered until the rest of the books are published. The other type of puzzle is the inconsistency, the (usually) minor error in continuity, which is almost unavoidable in a complex and details series of books such as this. Inconsistencies, unlike unanswered questions, will probably not be solved by future books. They’re just mistakes and that’s the way it is. Some of these happen in an earlier book because when she wrote it, Rowling hadn’t invented some detail, which appears in a later book. It is a long-standing and honoured tradition among fans of books, movies and television shows to invent plausible explanations for those errors. Folks have been doing this for Star Trek since the early days of fandom, back in the 1970s. These explanations are not canon, of course. But working this sort of thing out is a work of fan fiction, which attempts to validate the series a little more. It’s a form of respect and affection for the material, and is not meant to criticize or demean the original at all.